Thursday, May 21, 2009

Therapy is expensive, blogging is free

"The grass is greenest where you water it." -- Dan Miller, author of 48 Days to the Work You Love.

Not necessarily limited to career applications, I thought this was a good reminder that the things that flourish are the things that we put the most energy into. Sometimes its good to stop and take a realistic look at where you are really spending your precious time and energy.

In other news, I've recently become a regular reader of the blog Up in Alaska. Although Jill is not currently in Alaska....she's on sabbatical from work, having many mini-adventures throughout Utah, all while getting re-centered after a very fresh split from her longtime boyfriend.

And last night, in addition to a new helmet, I managed to come home with four new pairs of shoes. Four.

And that should pretty much sum up my life lately. Feel free to draw any conclusions you wish from this random assortment of information.

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