Tuesday, May 26, 2009

long weekend of lazy

My biggest accomplishment of the weekend appears to be getting my personal email inbox down to under 250 messages. You may not think this is an accomplishment but if you got an email from me responding to a subject line about CHRISTMAS you understand the magnitude of the problem. And I've got the carpal tunnel to prove it.

I would love to post the report on all the fabulous workouts I enjoyed this weekend, but that report had some problems getting through the fact checking stage of editing. Strange.....

What I can report from this weekend is socializing. A fun, formal fundraiser on Friday -- oh how I love to put on a party dress and drink champagne. And don't forget the dancing. There was definitely dancing. (So you see, I guess there was a workout in there somewhere. ;) There was also a fun night that started at the Union Terrace (the first of the season!). And the highlight of the weekend -- an evening Gator ride with my father where I got the inventory of downed trees on the property and the status of the monumental brush pile. (its the little things that make me happy)

But overall I felt fairly sloth-like the entire weekend. To the point where I wondered if I was coming down with something. Though I have come to the recent conclusion that its allergies. I have gotten used to feeling like poo in the fall....but have recently started to feel equally as poo-like in the spring. When I mentioned this to my doc a few years ago, thinking that a lingering sinus infection was the culprit for similar symptoms, she informed me that its not uncommon to develop additional allergies in your adult life. Super. Is getting old fun or what?
And speaking of birthdays....plans are in the works for a little birthday getaway, which makes me super excited. I mean, as excited as one can get about getting another year older anyway.

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