Sunday, August 30, 2009

9 weeks from today...

I will have started my day on that bridge -- the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. OMG. This is getting real. I am about to run a marathon in New York City.

I feel fit.  But I do not feel marathon fit.  I'm starting to panic a little....ok, a lot.  I feel like I have a long way to go and not enough time to get there.  And every lower-leg ache or pain has me stressing, wishing the world were made of something soft and squishy and stress-fracture preventing.  Paranoia has definitely set in.  And the pains make me want to back off but the calendar says I don't have time.

But I guess that's all part of the deal.  This is marathon training.  This is what I signed up for.  Now I just have to keep finding creative ways to keep my body playing nice with the orders my brain is giving and before I know it I'll be celebrating in Central Park.

I'm trying not to think ahead.  Just get through each week.  One workout to the next.  Mile by mile.  I'll get there.

1 comment:

ssjd411 said...

you got question! You'll blow NY away and be up the next day on your bike!=)