Thursday, October 22, 2009

Eggs Everywhere

Needless to say, I'm finding it a little hard to focus these days -- so much good stuff on the horizon, the least of which is the New York City Marathon

I didn't let myself even pack skis for the trip to Colorado.  Even though A-Basin opened while I was there I had no business being on any early-season ice runs.  That just seemed like getting up in fate's face and taunting it.  Not a good idea when you are mere weeks out from an event you have devoted the last four months of your life to training for.  But I would be lying if I said that I wasn't completely preoccupied with the upcoming winter. Ski season is pretty much the only thing on my mind right now, and maybe that's a good thing for the marathon.  Keeps those eggs happily widespread among the various baskets of life and not in one little 26.2 mile nest.  No pre-race stress nightmares.  Only daydreams of crazy adventures to come.

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