Sunday, November 2, 2008

I WANT my weekend back

Seriously, where did the weekend go? It cannot possibly be Sunday night. Because what feels like three hours ago it was Friday afternoon and I was contemplating an early exit from work to enjoy the great weather. (which didn't happen)

And even with an extra daylight-saving hour of productivity thrown in there I swear my 'to do' list got longer over the weekend. How is that even possible?

Its like the vacation hangover that will not end.

In other news, which I failed to report, last week I completely rocked my speed workout. No, really. I was monumentally faster than the workout before I left for vacation. I have no idea how. But I'll take it. Guess all those stairs climbed to castle towers really paid off. Or maybe it was the three week "taper." Not sure, but the way I see it, if I go to Europe one or two more times before tri season starts, I'm feeling some podiums in my future. I'm altering my training schedule accordingly.

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