Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Dog Days

You should add this to your workout queue. Immediately. That is, if you're working out. In which case, kudos to you. I'm NOT. I just went to Disney World and ate and drank my way around central Florida for a few days. Then I spent the remainder of the week hunkered down inside my full length down jacket (Be jealous. That thing is awesome.) because it was too cold for penguins around here. So needless to say I didn't drag myself to the gym. But I did see my first Cirque du Soleil in Orlando. And nothing will motivate you to attempt athletic endeavors like watching an entire troupe of perfectly toned gymnasts bounce around stage for an hour or so. Wow.

Tomorrow will by my first time out on Nordic skis this year. So that might be kinda like acrobatics.

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